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「八郎」  斉藤隆介 (1072字) すずめ() 2014/01/24 17:28:54 6499







When I was third grade at elementary school, I remember that we listnend to the story and drew a picture of a scene in which we were most impressed.

Dynamic description that we can not help feeling a sence of being there, overwhelming cutout pictures and gentle but still powerful story telling in a natural dialect spoken in the northern part of Japan.

Hachiro, the giant guy, fights against the raging waves to save the village with his all his heart and soul. That scene makes us feel as if we were being in the climax of the movie. The author breathed lives into the sea and a mountain. Their emotional expressions draw readers into the world of the story.

Why was I born?
What is the meaning of my life?
I'm sure that the strong message will definitely reach not only adults but also children.

This is an immortal masterpiece.

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